awak.bakal tulang rusuk kiri awak.

by - 3:20 PM

bismillahirrahmanirrahim. assalamualaikum,smua!

rasanya dah lama tak updatekan? yelah. bukak blog tp tak tau nak tulis apa. biasalah tu. hidup tak seindah yg kita fikirkan tapi tak seburuk yg kita sangkakan. :) now,aku tak naklah mengarut dan merapek. nak cakap terus je. :) aku dgn dia. alhamdullilah. i feel so grateful to have him besides me. he really take a good care of me. then,i'm just like feel want to cry after telling all of you this.

biarlah cinta dan syg sy datang dgn sendirinya untuk awak.

i hold your words. seriously,he totally with me right now. i'm just feel that he is the one for me. May Allah bless both of us. i just can't explain even more. i just know that we are in a good relationship and in a good condition. 25/1/2012. a date that explain everything to me. :')

heartyoulove.i'm going to wait for you.

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