lost, kehilangan.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum. :)
Yeah, lostttt! Have you ever lost your own love? Lost someone that you loves so much and one day when you wake up in the morning you start to realise that he/she has go away from your life. One day, u realised how much you left him/her before this. how you neglect him/her.
I feel all this feelings as before this i dont appreciate his present in my life. I keep ignored him and now when I need him besides me I start to realise that he has go away from my life. I'm busy with my works and now he is leaving. He starts to drag my hands but then I force him to go. I'm the one that let him go to another girl. And now I'm suffering all by myself because i'm deserve this. what a pathetic life that I have been into now!
I wake up in the morning with the hope he will come back for me but then thats too much! He deserves to be someone else that much better from me. I'm no one in his life now. I'm just no one. I have to let him go so that he could be happy with someone else. We just need to see our beloved one happy bcs their happiness is ours.
P/s: trying to let him go and still need to find some strength to complete this process.