Lessons 1

by - 3:35 AM

Hey everbody. :)

In this few days, I have been moved to write something that inspired people. After have a thought, so here I am to write something that inspired people starting from this post. As the first lesson starts, I will start with something not too heavy. Or otherwise I think its going to be hard to be absorb.

Lessons number 1: Dont take zikr as a simple matter.

Have you ever feel that everything is difficult? If the answer is yes, then you are lack of something. Truth to be told, I feel this experience once when I have this kind of anxiety in myself. I feel that everything that I'm doing will be disapprove by others and people might 'hate' me. I always think this. Could be said like all the time.

But, then. On one fine day, I have been forced to listen zikir on my mp3 list. There is so much zikr but I have decided to put them aside when I'm doing certain works but then this time around I feel 'serabut'. I couldnt even could ease all this by eating. I have tried to watch a movie but then this feelings were really messed up. So, I turned on zikr and tried to follow in my heart and finally I fell asleep.

See, this is the key. :) Zikir will always make you remember Him. In remembrance of Him, you will find peace.

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