Love Tips: Never Ever Say You Can't
Hey everyone. So yes, love lesson.
I think I never good in this but then I think I could share some experience with all of you. Like how Ted Mosby did when he tell the story of how they met their mother to his kids, I will like to do the same thing just its a little bit different as I'm telling about what I have heard before.
'I couldn't forget him'
'I think he is the one'
'I have tried, but he will come'
and the worse part that I have heard is, "I CAN'T".......
So, yes. Have been looking and listening to the same things over and over since my high school. I was so good in giving advice about moving on but I know it wont be that easy once you fall for him/her. Through my own experience, I will give some tips how to let go and keep smiling eventho its hurt much.
Imagine, on how you are hungry and you really wanted to eat. There is no one will stop you to eat those delicious pizza in front of you. But then, all of sudden you said you can't. You can't eat! Why do you need to say so? You don't have to face anything to eat those pizza, but only with the words that come out from yourself that stops you.
That's how life, friends. You are the one that decide whether you can or not. Whether you want it or not. If you are in that kind of really wanting someone, so why do you need to wait? Start from today. Never ruin yourself for someone that is not thinking or even bother if you are upset.
I really hope those short advice will wake all of you from keep dreaming to be princess in the reality. Till then, bye.