New Resolution
Its weird guys how one day people could be changed just like that?
Sometimes, the mood will be just fine. The one that entertains people and all of sudden, you will fight and argue.
In the one day, anything could happen.
Eventually, i want to lead my life to a different direction. I have been reading something in this few days that i guess i am quite motivated at the moment.
No more being like a desperate person looking for jodoh at the moment.
I really want to be the best version of myself. I will use this opportunity to change whatever the bad behavior that i have and used to. I want to make myself useful and be benefited to others.
I guess i just need to set my goals. Sooooo incase i have been mislead from my goals, i will have this to see. Doakan i will be istiqamah.
1. Continue online study at islamic online studies. (Thats what i want to do from beginning and i think i shall start with this)
2. Mandarin language (Never waste your basics)
3. Cooking (Gonna improve on this one)
4. Childhood education (I need to read more about parenting. Knowledge has so many branch and its a good thing to learn something new. Anyway, Kerinting got so many experience in this that might be useful later hahaha anyway i do gain a few tips to handle kids tantrum. He is charming hahah)
5. Hafazan (This is the most important mission. Have to get everything back on track. May Farhana could memorize at least juz 30 this year. Repeating every routine. May Allah ease)
6. One day hadith. (I really want to do this too for so long. Now, I guess this is the time)
7. One book a month (Well, I got lots of books tho. The one that i never read)
8. Exercise (Every day for 20 minutes. Just need to be discipline for my own health sake)
9. One week, one short tazkirah (Oh yes, in need some of rohani feeds)
10. Journal (To improve my language and vocabulary)
Oh i think thats it for now. The new resolution bersempena COVID 19.
There is no better time to start rather than now.
Till next time.