Solat Part 1

by - 8:22 AM

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Okay, everyone. I have this thing on my mind and I wanted really quickly to write and share everything so that it could benefit to anyone that read this.

Okay, so this lately I have this symptom that called 'malas-solat'. I always love to delay my solat eventho i delay it for only 30 minutes after adhan. sometimes, I do critize myself on the nonsense behavious. I want him that go straight away to surau solat berjemaah but I'm here still sitting on a bed listening and watching benda benda lagha (or so called wasting my precise time that left).

So yes. I went to every place to seek for peace. I just wanted to feel this kind of calmness or peace or anything that you called. I'm pretty sure all of you know how the feelings that wanted to stay calm in any 'serabut' condition. But, as expected I didn't get all that. The things that only happen to me is I keep rebel and break the rules (asrama rules). That's the only way for me to get over with everything.

One day, I asked my friends Akif to bring to any pantai. I thought by looking with the good scenery that I own will let me forget about the exams and assignments. Forgot to mention that I'm sitting for my final exam in my final semester. you know what? the stress are higher in this final sem as I'm so not willing and ready to repeat any paper. :( Hopefully there will be not one paper that I'm going to learn back. So yes have too far away from the story.

I have been screaming and taking pictures. so yes, we are going to the beach. and its 4 of us and not only akif as I bring along two of my gf's. Lot of pictures were taken as one of my gf's are using Iphone 5. The excitement comes as I'm really feels that this is the way to end the tension besides eating.

Before reach the beach, we have been listening western songs in the car. All sort of songs. from the slower one to the faster one, we would be like enjoying ourselves in there. But, there is something missing from me. still, cant find it.

Quite longer post. will continue in Part 2.

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