you! my new life, :')
bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum. :')
now,i'm done with all the things around me. now,i have to face a new life and a new side of me. the one that has to think positive. now,i know that i'm not the only one that has to face all this problems. there is another person that i love the most that have faced the same problem as i am. and she just strong enough to face all this. the person that i really love right now is sarah noah. she just like my own sister and i love her so much.
i just hope she can accept me for who i am. :') i love her and that's all i know.
adik,if u happened to read this i just want you to know that it's not easy for me to love someone and i didn't want to say that you are lucky to have me in your life but please do appreciate my love for you. tolong jangan jadikan kasih sayang akak pada awak semurah pasir di tepi jalan. akak tak sanggup untuk terluka kedua kalinya. akak sayang awak! take care.
lots of love, me. nur farhana binti mhd syafie. :') <3