you have to be strong,girl!

by - 5:51 PM

bismillahirrahmanirahim. Assalamualaikum.

yeah. a happy starter for me. he text me just now because i didn't wake him up for subuh. act,my credit have been expired and that's the main reason why i didn't wake him up. besides that,i'm touched for what he had done to me. okey. now,its all about how we think about something. actually deep in my heart i know that i'm too unmatured! but,this is me and he knows me well. but,sometimes human will get bored with us. and i don't really know what he feels but it just like my own feelings who interpret it.

my own way and yesterday also brings a lot of meanings to me. i just know that one one my friend had passed away. al-fatihah for him. Mohd Haikal Faizun is the one who i never met but we are close just because of my friend, Amira Zulaikha. actually,amira is his girlfriend. not only girlfriend but they are just like husband and wife. they are so sweet together. before he died,he has been coma for 3 to 4 months. and this story really make my heart touched. she waits for him day after day and this is the end for her. he left amira to meet his Creators. may Allah bless him.

really. and i'm not lying. i just hope my friend would be strong to face another day. i know that she is strong enough to face all this or otherwise Allah would not going to give her all this. if i'm the one who is in her place,maybe i'm going to be mad or be another person. but,i know her. she strong enough to face all this hard journey.

to, Amira Zulaikha. i'm so sad for his loss. but,we are humans. we have to meet our Creators. always be strong just like i know you. i know you can!

the last honor for him. Mohd Haikal Faizun. Al-Fatihah. may Allah placed him in a good place. Amin. :')

in memories, Mohd Haikal Faizun. Al-Fatihah. :')

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